Cultural offers form an anchor point of social life and connect people from different social milieus. They are places for further education, debate and awareness-raising. In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, physical places remain important components of everyday life. We partner with cinema operators and corporate sponsors to deliver an enhanced entertainment program. Those partnerships require congruence and similarity or ”fit” between the organizations in terms of shared values, resource complementarities and common objectives. The cinema industry is constantly evolving with new sustain-able technologies. Changing consumer preferences demand sustainable premiumization. We will help to rebuild moviegoing habits in a market potentially facing less studio content. Great opportunities for immersive documentaries. 

SHIFT: 6 feature-length documentaries showing todays societal transformation from 6 different perspectives.


When Cyrill Gutsch, a charismatic leader of New York' s creative class collides with legendary ocean activist Paul Watson, he decides to turn his life upside-down, drumming up artists, publicists, celebrities and scientists to collaboratively fight against the nearing collapse of the worlds oceans. The anatomy of an eco-revolution.


When German sixties intelligentsia gets infected by new world optimism - the unthinkable occurs. Bold ideas from the Friedrichs, a european art world couple. 

Early collaborations with todays masters Beuys, Baselitz, Richter, Palermo, Twombly, Warhol, Chamberlain, de Maria, Judd and Flavin. Commissioning single artists works -  enabling ambitions, realizing and preserving artistic visions with iconic site specific artworks for eternity: the nucleus of imaginative new thinking. It is still on ...


Episodic glimpses at topflight father-son pairings in the world of motor sports. The digital transformation transcends traditional roles in every industry.  

As they embark on digital transformation, the successors of great racing drivers start pushing boundaries for a smarter tomorrow:  fighting for diversity and equality, against racism, plastic pollution and climate change. A symbiotic relationship that sparks new creative possibilities for fresh and captivating content that resonates with divers audiences.


lluminating the exceptional career of Hell, who developed creative legacy in the paradigm shift from analogue to electronic music. When the pandemic storm sets the entertainment sector on fire, the artist is crafting an addictive elexier, bringing the enthusiastic vibe of NYC and Berlin in the early 90s to a whole new demographic.


Top dog artists, collectors and dealers sharing dinner table with the go-to lawyer from Basel. Such tidy narratives fueled a reigning ideology of success. The generational divide hat never been so big. With rising digital art popularity and social media amplifying reach and impact, there are options making money other than flipping burgers. Even the most unusual ones. Like converting classic cars in electric sculptures. Meet The Feigenbaums and friends ...

Where do we go from here ...

In 2020, a private jet is approaching  Kangra airstrip deep inside the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. Onboard a handful of political and cultural thought leaders heading  to the serene hide away hill station of  Dharashalam, the residence in exile  of his Holiness the Dalai Lama. 

5 years later, a Tibetan Delegation is invited to participate in a digital mountain summit in Laax, Switzerland, where the protagonists regroup on site to promote the blue print for global housing initiatives in a better material world. 

Sponsorship is increasingly being linked to broader social objectives related to the betterment of society and is a way of demonstrating corporate citizenship. 


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